Family hugs grandmother and granfather

Long-Term Care

Preparation is key to addressing the shift in the long-term care landscape

November is Long-Term Care Awareness Month, and it brings important focus to one of the most significant changes in the long-term care landscape. In 2024, a significant shift in US demographics, known as Peak65, marks the greatest surge of Americans will be turning 65. A recent survey indicates that 50% of financial professionals see the cost of LTC as the biggest risk to retirees’ savings, yet only one in four Baby Boomers (ages 59 to 77) have planned for long-term care.1

Many state governments are concerned about the aging population and are taking measures to develop their own answer to long-term care needs.

This changing landscape means long-term care is no longer a conversation that can be deferred. The time is now to help clients understand how long-term care costs can put their retirement at risk. Help them take action to protect their financial legacies and reduce stress on their loved ones.

Ready to help clients protect their hard-earned retirement income?

Do clients want state governments to determine their LTC plan?

In responding to the new LTC landscape, some state governments are taking actions to address gaps they see in long-term care assistance through government programs. For many of your clients, not having a long-term care plan means they may be taxed to support an LTC program that is insufficient to cover future care costs. Here are summaries of what’s being done at the federal and state levels:

  • Carrie Hartgen, VP State Government Affaris

    LTC State Regulatory Video
    Hear from Lincoln Government and State Affairs about the latest regulatory information affecting long-term care planning.

  • Lincoln Regulatory Roundup homepage

    Regulatory Roundup
    The latest regulatory information from the Federal government and states that are considering, or have enacted, long-term care programs can be found here.

Help clients understand long-term care

Your clients make better LTC protection decisions when they can learn about long-term care options and create a plan that works for their loved ones, care preferences, and financial legacy.

  • 10 reasons why you should be talking about long term care

    10 Reasons Why You Should Talk About Long-Term Care
    Understanding how long-term care concerns affect clients, families and loved ones is critical.

  • Commit to Care whitepaper cover page

    Commit to Care whitepaper
    Knowing how to help clients get started is the first step. Give them information that helps create an effective plan based on their circumstances.

  • Client Long-Term Care Conversation Workbook

    Client Long-Term Care conversation workbook
    Help clients make the most of their conversations about long-term care planning with recent statistics, information, and resources that help them understand what questions to ask.

  • MoneyGuard Conversation Catalyst Tool

    MoneyGuard® Conversation Catalyst Tool
    Use the MoneyGuard® solutions Conversation Catalyst Tool to kick start their planning conversation by identifying care options and costs and create an LTC solution designed to meet their preferences.

Insights into the client mindset

With 35 years of experience in long-term care expense protection solutions, Lincoln is here to provide you with up-to-date market insights and research that help you educate and inform your clients.

  • Planning for long term care

    LTC Research
    A fundamental shift is happening in the number of clients expressing concern about their readiness for LTC expenses. See the latest research on their concerns about how it can affect retirement planning.

  • It's time to care about long-term care registration page

    LTC Research Insights Event
    Watch the replay now to learn about the highlights of our most recent survey results to understand the concerns American consumers are voicing and how you can leverage LTC research to focus your business efforts.

1Versta Research, "The 2023 Lincoln Financial Long-Term Care Marketing & Thought Leadership Research," September 2023.

For financial professional use only. Not for use with the public.