Saving for your future
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Did you know that only 18% of American workers feel very confident about their ability to afford a comfortable retirement?1

It's time to boost your retirement confidence!

Saving in your employer-sponsored retirement plan is one of the easiest ways to start planning for the retirement you imagine. So, don't wait to participate! Take advantage of this opportunity today.

Your Placer County deferred compensation plans

Placer County deferred compensation plans are a part of your total compensation package. If put to good use, they could become one of your most important workplace benefits. You can choose to contribute in two different ways. The first is by contributing money before it’s taxed, which is called a pretax contribution. This reduces your current taxable income dollar for dollar, so fewer taxes are withheld each pay period. You’ll pay taxes on your contributions and on any earnings when you withdraw your money, typically at retirement. The second is by contributing money after it’s taxed, which is called a Roth contribution. By paying your taxes now, you secure a source of entirely tax-free money later on, if certain conditions are met. That’s right! Both your contributions and any earnings can be withdrawn tax-free as long they’re part of a qualified distribution. A distribution is considered “qualified” if your Roth account has been established for at least five years and you’re at least age 59½, or if the withdrawal is due to your death or total disability.

Learn more about your workplace deferred compensation plans.

Save more and give your future a boost

Hear what others are doing – or not doing – to save for retirement.


Employee Benefits Research Institute and Greenwald Research. "2023 Retirement Confidence Survey." April 27, 2023.

Start saving today

Start saving for retirement — consistently and automatically. How should you start participating in your plan?Learn the basics about retirement.

Learn how to invest

Every investor is different, and your employer offers a variety of investment choices. Do you know what investment style is right for you?
Get the basics on investing.