By deciding to plan and save for your retirement, you’ve made a decision you can feel good about. You've realized that a sound savings plan can help you achieve a more secure financial future.
Your UofL Health retirement plan
To help you achieve the retirement you envision, UofL Health offers a retirement plan designed to help you become retirement ready.
You'll thank yourself later
The sooner you start saving, the better. Once you decide to save for your retirement, the next step is to decide how much to save. Check out our retirement tools and calculators.
Once you decide how much you can save as a percentage, your wages will be automatically invested in your retirement account each pay period. But before you do that, it's important to become educated on general financial, investment and retirement information so you can make informed decisions.
Make the most of pretax and Roth after-tax contributions
Will you benefit most from saving for retirement on a pretax basis, a Roth after-tax basis or both? Explore the differences between Roth after-tax and traditional contributions.