
Lincoln connects Life by offering life insurance products to help your clients protect their loved ones, keep their hard-earned savings secure and create a legacy that they can pass along with pride. Our Term and Permanent protection products  provide choices, flexibility and coverage options to help meet your clients' needs.


family sitting on couch
Lincoln WealthAccelerate® IUL
Learn more about Lincoln WealthAccelerate®
person kayaking
Lincoln WealthAccumulate® 2 IUL
Learn more about Lincoln WealthAccumulate® 2 IUL
Couple rides bikes on hillside trail
Lincoln LifeElements®
Learn more about Lincoln LifeElements® Level Term

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    Elias Gomez

    External Wholesaler
    Lincoln Financial Distributors
    Office: (531) 375-4108
    Mobile: (860) 372-7431

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Lincoln LifeElements® Level Term (2019) policy form TRM6063 and state variations.

Lincoln WealthAccumulate® 2 indexed universal life insurance (2020) policy form ICC20UL6092/UL6092 and state variations. Not available in NY.

Lincoln WealthAccelerate® IUL is issued on policy form ICC22-UL6093/UL6093 and state variations by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, IN, and distributed by Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc., a broker-dealer.

The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company does not solicit business in the state of New York, nor is it authorized to do so.

Products, riders and features are subject to state availability. Limitations and exclusions apply. Not available in New York. Not for use in Massachusetts.

All guarantees and benefits of the insurance policy are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. They are not backed by the broker-dealer and/or insurance agency selling the policy, or any affiliates of those entities other than the issuing company affiliates, and none makes any representations or guarantees regarding the claims-paying ability of the issuer.

It is possible coverage will expire when either no premiums are paid following the initial premium, or subsequent premiums are insufficient to continue coverage. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National.