Investing can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, your retirement plan offers two ways of creating a diversified investment portfolio.
Decide how to invest
- Make an all-in-one choice. Ready to save, but don’t know which direction to take your investments? Consider a target-date fund to get started.
- Manage it yourself. When you are investing in the retirement plan, you can choose your investments from the plan’s lineup.
As your situation changes over time, your investing approach can change too. Once you decide on your approach, review your investment options.
For detailed information about your investment choices, download your enrollment kit.
Still unsure?
Your employer has chosen target-date funds, based on date of retirement, as the plan’s QDIA. The plan’s QDIA is the appropriate target-date fund, based on the year of normal retirement as determined by your Plan. Each fund contains a combination of bond-based and stock-based funds and targets a period that contains the year in which you attain normal retirement age. QDIA notice