Retirement Income is the calculator in the wellness platform used to find expected retirement income, meaning the amount you will have per month after retirement. When you navigate to the Retirement Income tab, there are four assumptions taken into consideration.
The four assumptions in Retirement Income are:
Annual Salary - your income
Retirement Age - the age at which you wish to retire (can also select a date)
Withdrawal Period - how long you expect to need to withdraw (life expectancy)
Contribute / Month - what you are contributing per month to retirement (choose between a percentage or a dollar amount)
The tool will populate the assumptions automatically to begin with, based on numbers from your profile, but you can adjust each assumption. If you have not yet entered this information you will be prompted to do so.
Assumptions based on profile information. All of the inputs are editable.
You can add retirement savings and income into this prediction by using the 'Select Accounts' drop down. Any savings you have aggregated will appear under 'Retirement Savings'. Social Security will show under 'Retirement Income' along with other income streams you know you will have in retirement. You can type in your social security amount if you know what it will be, or you can click the calculator icon to have the platform compute this value for you. If you are marked as ‘Married’ on your profile, you will have the option to add your spouse’s social security as well.
To add a new account or stream of income, click 'Add new account' at the bottom of either of these account lists.