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Working with us

Technology is meant to help you work faster, not slow you down. Because you’re at your best when you spend your time with clients, not when you're bogged down with integration issues, hassles and limitations.

Open accounts with ease: Lincoln AppAdvantage®

When you work with Lincoln, you can take advantage of tools that make online account creation a snap. Lincoln AppAdvantage® is an e-application tool for digital account creation, featuring e-signature capabilities. Our integration partners cover most advisor technologies.

Select the advisor technology category below to learn how to link your Lincoln accounts to one of your software vendors. You may submit the request to link the accounts directly to us, and be up and running with your preferred technology partner within 24 hours.

Advisor technology integration

When it comes to technology, it’s about giving options that seamlessly integrate into your current platform. So, whether you are always updating to keep up with the latest technology innovations—or you are more comfortable with the system that’s served you well—our partnerships are here to serve you.

Learn more about our data partners below. Contact us for questions or help with linking your accounts. We’ll walk you through the steps and have you running in no time.

Custodians/clearing partners

Pershing Advisor Solutions
Trade PMR

Data aggregation/Portfolio management

We’ve built data connections to allow Lincoln’s RIA-Class annuity positions to show up directly in your system. That way you won’t have to log in to our site for account values, performance information and other key data.

Advyzon logo

CRM connections

Cutting down on the time it takes you to open an account is one of our top priorities. We help you to quickly import client data from CRM systems, including:

Advisory fee management

Hands down, the number one question that RIAs have about fee-based annuities is how fees are collected. The short answer is…whatever works best for you. Our tools give you the flexibility to manage fees in a way that best fits your practice. We even make it easy for you to set up the collection process according to your needs, including the ability to:

  • Pull fees directly out of the annuity you manage
  • Choose the effective date of the fee withdrawal
  • Choose the frequency of withdrawal: One-time, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually
  • Choose a percentage of the account or a flat dollar amount
  • Choose to charge all contracts the same fee, or specify a fee by contract
  • Choose your payment method: EFT or check

For more details on RIA fee billing, contact your regional consultant at 877-533-5630.

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Connect with us and let your dedicated consultant make it easy for you to implement Lincoln RIA Class annuities.
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