orange, yellow, red line
  • Lincoln Level Advantage 2SM
  • Lincoln Level Advantage®
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B-Share historical rates
Advisory historical rates
B-Class historical rates
Advisory Class historical rates











*This product is not available in all states and firms. Please check with your representative.

Performance cap, performance trigger, participation, Dual15 Plus, and dual performance trigger rates are declared by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company at its discretion. These rates apply for both new deposits and renewals.

Lincoln Level Advantage® - Current rates

These rates are for new contracts and renewals.

Current rates - Effective 6/17/2024

Lincoln Level Advantage® B-Share rates

Lincoln Level Advantage® Advisory rates

Lincoln Level Advantage® B-Class rates

Lincoln Level Advantage® Advisory Class rates

Lincoln Level Advantage® Primerica B-Share rates

Lincoln Level Advantage® Design Advisory rates

Lincoln Level Advantage® Design B-Share rates

Lincoln Level Advantage® Access rates

Lincoln Level Advantage® Select B-Share rates

Historical rates

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B-Share historical rates
Advisory historical rates
B-Class historical rates
Advisory Class historical rates
Primerica B-Share historical rates
Design Advisory historical rates
Design B-Share historical rates
Access historical rates
Select B-Share historical rates











*This product is not available in all states and firms. Please check with your representative.

Performance cap, performance trigger, participation, Dual15 Plus, dual performance trigger and spread rates are declared by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company at its discretion. These rates apply for both new deposits and renewals.